Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010 - FloraPiter.Ru коллекционные ФИАЛКИ из Санкт-Петербурга

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Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010

Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010
Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010 Простые темно-лилово-розовые неопадающие анютки с синим фантази, темно-малиновой широкой каймой и тонкой бело-розовой окантовкой по краю лепестков. Светло-зеленая, простая, стеганная листва. Обильнейшее цветение! Стандарт.

Sunset Kiss (10249) 01/27/2010 (P. Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) Single dark mauve-pink sticktite pansy/blue fantasy, dark raspberry band, thin white-light pink edge. Light green, plain, quilted. Standard

Dark mauve/pink, single sticktite pansies, with a dark raspberry edge, is also surrounded by a thin geneva edge. The edge diffuses to a light pink edge when fully opened. Blue fantasy markings cover the flower face, over a blush in the flower center of plum coloring. The standard foliage is light green, and lightly quilted.
AVSA Reg. #10249
Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010
Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010
Sunset Kiss (P.Sorano/Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) 2010
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